We find buyers for your machinery

With Machinery Planet PRO, you can buy heavy machinery online and complete your purchase from the comfort of your desk. Choose from a wide list of Inspected machines with a money-back guarantee if the machinery you receive is not as advertised. Pay for your machinery through a secure and trusted channel,escrow.com (World’s no.1 escrow service).

Why sell on Machinery Planet?

  • Get more leads

    Our expert marketers market your product over various platforms attracting buyers that are looking for similar equipment.

    • ✓ Listing is published and advertised globally
    • ✓ Access to an analytics dashboard
    • ✓ Smart marketing
  • Worldwide visibility

    Machinery Planet has visitors, buyers from all over the world. All they are looking for is heavy equipment.

    • ✓ Dealers
    • ✓ Auctioneers
    • ✓ Manufacturers
  • We help you sell more

    Our inventory is automatically updated. Our powerful dashboard gives detailed analytics to help you grow your business.

    • ✓ Reach new customers
    • ✓ Automatic Updates
    • ✓ Powerful dashboard

Success stories

We aim to build a smooth and straightforward relationship between our users, providing a streamlined solution that suits their needs.

Package price table

  • Basic

    USD 110

    / Month

    • ✓ 9 Standard listings
    • ✓ 1 Featured listings
    • ✓ Leads to dashboard and inbox
    • ✓ Impressions and analytics
    • ✓ Dealer / Seller profile
    • ✓ Upload photos
  • Silver

    USD 220

    / Month

    • ✓ 22 Standard listings
    • ✓ 3 Featured listings
    • ✓ Leads to dashboard and inbox
    • ✓ Impressions and analytics
    • ✓ Dealer / Seller profile
    • ✓ Upload photos
  • Gold

    USD 450

    / Month

    • ✓ 63 Standard listings
    • ✓ 7 Featured listings
    • ✓ Leads to dashboard and inbox
    • ✓ Impressions and analytics
    • ✓ Dealer / Seller profile
    • ✓ Upload photos
  • Platinum

    USD 650

    / Month

    • ✓ 90 Standard listings
    • ✓ 10 Featured listings
    • ✓ Leads to dashboard and inbox
    • ✓ Impressions and analytics
    • ✓ Dealer / Seller profile
    • ✓ Upload photos
    • ✓ Feed integration
    • ✓ Upload videos

Looking to advertise more than 100 listings? Contact us to have customize package.